Get Ready To...

  • Understand

    You'll learn the ins and outs of the trans community, mastering the art of the gender-neutral pronoun and understanding the unique needs of trans people on fertility journeys.

  • Support

    We'll give you access to the latest data on trans fertility, empowering you to support your clients with evidence-based practices for their family-building processes.

  • Welcome

    More and more trans and gender non-conforming community members are considering family-building. Get ready to make your practice welcoming and affirming for this growing community.

Real Reviews of Trans Fertility Considerations

  • Excellent Content!

    Jenna Brown

  • Wonderful! Very informative on the learning objectives.

    Soraya Mazloomi

    Fabulous. Really great work!

    Fabulous. Really great work!

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  • Trans Fertility Considerations

    Carolyn Berger

    Brilliantly done!

    Brilliantly done!

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  • So informative!!

    Sheri Hovdestad

    Taught me a lot about how to make my therapy practice welcome and inclusive and how to correct mistakes I may inadvertently make when working with a trans individual.

    Taught me a lot about how to make my therapy practice welcome and inclusive and how to correct mistakes I may inadvertently make when working with a trans individual.

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  • Thank you!

    Coop Reed

    I am a transgender full spectrum doula and this was helpful for the trans clients that I work with!

    I am a transgender full spectrum doula and this was helpful for the trans clients that I work with!

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  • Great course!

    Josephine Ren

    Super helpful and comprehensive. An important resource to advocate for all workplaces.

    Super helpful and comprehensive. An important resource to advocate for all workplaces.

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  • A course all care providers should take.

    emily frigo

    We all should be providing kind and inclusive care to all people - including trans folks. I highly recommend this course for providers to provide evidence based, welcoming practices for people on their path to parenthood.

    We all should be providing kind and inclusive care to all people - including trans folks. I highly recommend this course for providers to provide evidence based, welcoming practices for people on their path to parenthood.

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  • If you're an employer, offer this to your employees.

    Chloe Caron-Klusendorf

    As a 22-year old cis-gendered individual I struggle to fully empathize with those who suffer from infertility, let alone the struggle of being trans on the daily basis. Add in trying to understand the perspective of someone who is both trans and s...

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    As a 22-year old cis-gendered individual I struggle to fully empathize with those who suffer from infertility, let alone the struggle of being trans on the daily basis. Add in trying to understand the perspective of someone who is both trans and struggling to form a family: This is absolutely the tool I needed to better understand how I can better serve more populations. If you're looking for a course that provides your employees with accurate research and compelling experiences; don't look any further. Get this course yesterday.

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Pricing options

We offer flexible options to meet your individual or organizational needs!

Certified Completed

Practitioners at the following organizations have completed this training

  • Carrot Fertility
  • Carolyn Berger, LCSW
  • RMA of New York
  • California Cryobank
  • Reproductive Science Center of the Bay Area
  • LGBTQ Perinatal Wellness Center
  • Motherbloom Midwifery
  • Boise Birth Services
  • Springtide Resources
  • Beth Rich